Igniting Solutions and Accelerating Deployment. The World CCUS Symposium will provide the dissemination of cutting-edge technologies, proven best practices, and collaborative initiatives that underscore the critical importance of the pathways to accelerating CCUS deployment. It fosters a harmonious collaboration with diverse stakeholders, encompassing professional societies, esteemed academic partners, dynamic energy and service corporations, innovative entrepreneurial ventures, and dedicated environmental advocacy organisations. Guiding the strategic direction of the World CCUS Symposium is a Board of Directors comprised of eight representatives from various organisations to steer the symposium towards excellence. Why Attend? Gain industry insight - Experience a comprehensive programme featuring topics such as geological storage and utilisation, capture and transportation, emerging technologies, and policy and socioeconomic considerations. Share new perspectives - Hear an expert speaker line-up of progressive industry players including distinguished engineers, and influential policymakers gathering to expedite the global transition toward a low-carbon future. Discover latest technologies - Be at the forefront of innovation and experience new technological developments as effective approaches for deploying CCUS technologies are explored. Visit CCUS project sites - Immersive field trips to two pioneering CCUS project sites in Bergen: the Northern Lights demo project (storage) and the Technology Center of Mongstad (capture testing center). Visit the website for more information: http://www.worldccusevent.org/ Date and Time: On Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:00 - Thu, 29 Aug 2024 17:00 Venue details: Grieghallen, 1 Edvard Griegs plass, Bergen, Vestland, 5015, Norway Price:COMING SOON: NOK 0.00 Speakers: Tao Yang (Co-chair) Senior Specialist | Equinor Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, Birol Dindoruk (Co-chair) Professor | University of Houston National Academy of Engineering, Eva Karin Halland Managing Director, Carbongeo, Anthony Kovscek Professor | Stanford University National Academy of Engineering, Philip Ringrose Professor/Specialist | Norwegian University of Science and Technology/Equinor Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, Ray (Zhenhua) Rui Professor/Associate Dean China University of Petroleum (Beijing) UNESCO Chair in Green Transition for Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change, Erling H. Stenby Professor/Head of Department | Technical University of Denmark Danish Academy of Technological Sciences