Conference Proceedings: Submissions will be reviewed by the conference technical committees, and accepted papers will be published in DRPT 2024 International Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted to major databases for indexing. Organizers: Zhengzhou University of Light Industry Zhejiang University, Hainan Institute, China Supporters: Zhengzhou University North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power Henan Polytechnic University Honorary General Chair: Prof. Shizhong Wei, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China Conference Chairs: Prof. Ping He, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China Prof. Fushuan Wen, Zhejiang University, China Conference Co-Chairs: Prof. S.N. Singh, IEEE Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology (Kanpur), India Prof. Ahmed Abu-Siada, Curtin University, Australia Prof. Xian Cheng, Zhengzhou University, China Prof. Hongtao Zhang, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, China Dr. Chun Sing Lai, Brunel University, UK Contact Us: Conference Website: Secretary: Ms. Vivian Lee Telephone: +86-19136140052 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.