The 8th Int'l Neurology and Neurosurgery Conference (NeuroConf 2023) will be held during December 15-17, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. You are invited to submit papers and participate in our academic exchange. Topics: The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:Cerebrovascular Diseases, CVDEpilepsyCephalalgiaParkinson's DiseasePeripheral Nerve DiseaseInfectious Diseases in the Central Neural System(CNS)Alzheimer Disense, ADHepatolenticular DegenerationSleep DisorderNeurological RehabilitationCerebrovascular SurgeryCervical and Lumbar Spinal StenosisFunctional NeurosurgeryHead TraumaHydrocephalusIntracerebral HemorrhageMinimally Invasive SurgeryMovement DisordersMoyamoya DiseaseNeurotraumaPediatric NeurosurgeryPeripheral NeuropathiesSkull Base SurgerySpinal Cord TraumaSpinal SurgeryTraumatic Injuries of Peripheral NervesTumours of the Spine, Spinal Cord and Peripheral NervesVascular Malformations of the Brain and Spinal CordOther Related Topics