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The Metallurgy and Materials Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum (MetSoc of CIM) hosts the 63rd Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2024).After a very successful COM 2023, in Toronto, Ontario, the most prestigious MetSoc event returns to the Maritimes—for the first time since 1989.COM 2024 will offer plenaries and keynote talks on issues critical to the science and engineering of Metallurgy and Materials, along with nine technical symposia. Technical programming will feature advanced manufacturing and materials, light metals in transportation, materials corrosion, biohydrometallurgy, electrometallurgy, processing of critical materials, controlling arsenic and other harmful impurities, extraction projects from concept to realization, and dealing with sustainability issues in the metals and materials industry.COM 2024 will also offer a unique opportunity to meet, network, and discover for those involved in the metallurgy and materials industry and research. Students, in particular, are welcome to show their research work, learn about the work of others, and understand what their future careers may be.The conference will be held at the Halifax Convention Centre, a renowned "green" venue in the heart of downtown Halifax, close to the port and many hotels and restaurants.I hope to see you all in COM 2024 in Halifax, Nova Scotia from August 19 – 22, 2024.SYMPOSIAAdvanced Manufacturing and Materials VIIArsenic/Minor Element Controls in Metallurgical PlantsCorrosion and Environmental Degradation of MaterialsElectrometallurgy for a Net Zero EconomyExtractive Metallurgy from Conception to Operation: Experimentation, Simulation, Pilot and Ramp-upIBS 2024 – The 25th International Biohydrometallurgy SymposiumJoe Ferron Memorial Symposium – Processing of Critical MaterialsLight Metals for Transportation: Marine, Aviation, and Ground ApplicationsWALSIM X: Water, Air, Land Sustainability Issues in Mining and Metal ExtractionPLENARY SPEAKERSDonald Sadoway, MIT - ElectrometallurgyORGANIZING COMMITTEEConference Chair, Dimitrios Filippou, Rio Tinto Iron and TitaniumSecretary, Julie Lévesque, Centre de métallurgie du QuébecStudent Activities Chair, Ali Nasiri, Dalhousie UniversityIndustrial Tours Chair, Stephen Corbin, Dalhousie UniversitySponsorship Chair, Nils Voermann, HatchTechnical Program Chair, Mohsen Mohammadi, University of New BrunswickMetallurgy Symposium Chairs:Niels VerbaanMike JohnsonVladimiros PapangelakisGeorge P. DemopoulosGeorges HoulachiAlessandro NavarraChris PicklesBrittany MacKinnonCharlotte GibsonMaterials Symposium Chairs:Bosco YuSuraj PersaudMohsen MohammadiADDITIONAL FEATURES- A strong student program with a poster competition- A series of recorded lectures to watch on-demand- Professional short courses available to enhance your learning- A focused trade show with a limit of 10 booths - guaranteed for traffic- A certificate of attendancePROCEEDINGSEach registered in-person attendee will receive the full peer-review proceedings of the conference.NETWORKINGFrom Monday to Thursday, the conference will offer attendees daily reception and happy hour networking time to relax and meet fellow attendees. Our Annual Awards Banquet will be much celebrated and will be a time to honour the recipients of 2024.ABOUT OUR ATTENDEESCOM traditionally hosts 60% industry and 40% academia attendees, with 20% internationals. This offers a wide thought-provoking program with the latest research around the world.IMPORTANT DATESTHE CALL FOR ABSTRACTS IS OPEN UNTIL JANUARY 5, 2024REGISTRATION OPENS ON APRIL 15, 2024EARLY BIRD PRICING ENDS JUNE 15, 2024URLs:Facebook: and Time: On Monday August 19, 2024 at 2:00 pm to Thursday August 22, 2024 at 3:00 pmVenue details: Halifax Convention Centre, 1650 Argyle Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 0E6, Canada