The Conference Proceedings will be published with an ISSN and ISBN, indexed in Scopus and Google Scholar, and archived permanently in Portico. The 10th International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanodevices, Fabrication and Characterization (ICNNFC'25) aims to become the leading annual conference in fields related to nanomaterials, nanodevices, fabrication and characterization. The goal of this nanotechnology conference 2023 is to gather scholars from all over the world to present advances in the relevant fields and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information. This conference will also provide an ideal environment to develop new collaborations and meet experts on the fundamentals, applications, and products of the mentioned fields. ICNNFC is an acronym for International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanodevices, Fabrication and Characterization. Topics for ICNNFC’25 include, but are not limited, to the following: Computational Nanotechnology Graphene Nanobiotechnology Nanobiotechnology: Modelling and Simulation Nanocatalysis Nanocomposites Nanocomposites Nanodevices Nanofluids Nanomaterials Characterization Nanoparticles Nanophotonics Nanorobotics Nanotubes Nanotechnology Standardization Nanotechnology and Health Issues Self-assembly Processes Synthesis of Nanomaterials And all other related topics Author Guidelines Submissions in the form of extended abstracts, short papers, and full manuscripts are welcome. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed The congress proceedings will be published under an ISSN and ISBN number The conference proceedings will be indexed by Scopus and Google Scholar Each paper will be assigned a unique DOI number by Crossref The proceedings will be permanently archived in Portico (one of the largest community-supported digital archives in the world) Selected papers from the congress will be submitted for possible publication in the International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Nanotechnology (IJTAN)