Publication&Indexing: 1. Conference Proceedings by ACM (ISBN: 979-8-4007-1671-3), which will be archived in ACM Digital Library, indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus, and submitted to be reviewed by CPCI. 2. Journal of Advances in Information Technology (ISSN: 1798-2340; CiteScore: 3.1): indexed by ESCI (Web of Science), Scopus, EBSCO, Google Scholar, CNKI, Crossref, etc. 3. Presentation Only: For those who do not want to publish paper, abstract can be submitted for reviewing of presentation. General Chairs : Dr. Duc Ngoc Minh Dang, FPT University, Vietnam Prof. Edmund Lai, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Prof. Chuan-Ming Liu, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan Program Chairs : Prof. Vinod A. Prasad, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore Prof. Raymond Hsieh, Pennsylvania West University: California, USA Prof. Lei Zhang, East China Normal University, China Contact Methods: E-mail Box: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: +852-3500-0799 Conference Secretary: Ms. Olia Lai