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A Stream on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”


Date of beginning

Monday, 21 May 2018


4 days

Deadline for abstracts

Monday, 16 October 2017






Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos


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Expected participants





The Computer Unit of ATINER organizes A Stream on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”, 21-24 May 2018, Athens, Greece, Athens, Greece as part of the 14th Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science sponsored by the Athens Journal of Τechnology & Engineering & Athens Journal of Sciences.

The gathers communities to discuss the recent research and application of Algorithms, Tools, and Platforms to solve the hard problems that exist within organizing and analyzing massive and noisy data sets. It also to promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) and scientific exchange among AI researchers, practitioners, scientists, and engineers in affiliated disciplines. Machine learning is a particular approach to artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the future. Artificial intelligence is science fiction. Artificial intelligence is already part of our everyday lives. All those statements are true, it just depends on what flavour of AI you are referring to. AI has been part of our imaginations and simmering in research labs since a handful of computer scientists rallied around the term at the Dartmouth Conferences in 1956 and birthed the field of AI. In the decades since, AI has alternately been heralded as the key to our civilization’s brightest future, and tossed on technology’s trash heap as a hare-brained notion of over-reaching propeller heads. Over the past few years AI has exploded, and especially since 2015. Much of that has to do with the wide availability of GPUs that make parallel processing ever faster, cheaper, and more powerful. It also has to do with the simultaneous one-two punch of practically infinite storage and a flood of data of every stripe (that whole Big Data movement) – images, text, transactions, mapping data, you name it.

Special arrangements will be made with a local hotel for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of special events will be organized: A pragmatic symposium (as organized in Ancient Athens but fine tuned to synchronous ethics), a special one-day educational island tour, a Mycanae and island of Poros visit, an Athens educational walking tour, an one-day visit to Delphi and an ancient Corinth and Cape Sounion visit.